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Comentarios (8)

Wilison - 11 Septiembre 11:47

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Lweis - 13 Mayo 05:23

El diodo es un componente electrónico que solo permite el flujo de la electricidad en un solo sentido, debido a esto su funcionamiento se parece a un interruptor el cual abre o cierra los circuitos. Tabla de temperatura de refrigerantes.

Sondra - 16 Enero 11:22

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Tashia - 27 Mayo 22:22

If polyamory and the open communication it requires were the norm, I would have gladly accepted the first girl to ask me out, but only on the condition that she understood and accepted my greater affection for my first love. I considered her one of my best friends and did find her attractive. Some of the others who asked me out were sexually attractive too, but there was no further compatibility with them.)

Santo - 20 Abril 07:00

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Lorette - 10 Abril 10:14
